there are some words that I could never said There are some thoughts that I could never made up So I write down here all my feelings to let you know how i feel

Monday, November 26, 2007

"My First Love"

My First Love

Youth took its accounting:
My First Love sped past,
Painful and hardening,
As was its task.

My first taste of life,
(And a piece of my soul)
That First Love left me wiser,
But left my heart empty and cold.

I tried to laugh and sing,
Seeming not to mind;
When all the time I was crying,
My heart was breaking inside.

But time is the greatest of healers,
And in time I laughed far better.
Yet, inside my heart was still cold;
I lived my life still bitter.

A second love, a third love,
And finally a fourth.
None seemed to matter,
None had any worth.

And then, at a special party
I finally started to have fun;
For I met a special woman --
She was the special one.

She was quiet and shy,
And didn't say much;
But I sighed at her look,
And I trembled at her touch.

We danced for hours and hours,
Quiet and happy at last;
And my mind went back to another,
Of a place and time long past.

"Is this what the Good Lord intended,
When my First Love left my life?
For this woman I hold in my arms
To one day become my wife?"

And so it came to pass,
And I thank the Lord each hour
For the vastness of his wisdom
And the immensity of his power.

We lived a lot together,
And loved even more;
A child came our way,
Which I thank the Good Lord for.

Now the years have long slipped past,
And things seldom remain the same.
Yet, at times I think of that First Love,
And wonder -- what was her name?

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